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October 5, 2014
by: Tad Phippen Wente

Freshmen to Explore UWM Campus for a Day

Walk outside to get to class? Live in the dorms? Financial aid? The Union food court? How many different majors are there? Though it’s only their first year of high school, IDEAS freshmen will be able to set sights on their post-secondary plans after a day on campus at UWM on Oct. 22.

By experiencing a full day tour of this large four-year university, IDEAS freshpersons will begin to gain perspective in what college is all about. This will help them set goals during their high school career and encourage them to make good choices about their futures.

We will begin with the Honors College where representatives will ask open-ended questions to engage students in discussion. This format, and the classes here, are very similar to student experiences at IDEAS: active involvement, small discussion groups, deep thinking. The general campus tour includes Sandburg Hall dorm rooms, the Klotsche athletic center, library, lecture halls and classrooms in various buildings. Student tour guides will answer questions throughout the tour, telling first hand stories of what it’s like to be a college student.

Lunch is ‘on their own’ in the UWM student Union food court. We want students to have the experience of being responsible for their own lunch as they will have to be in college. They are welcome to bring a bag lunch, and there are many seating areas for eating and relaxing as they observe the bustle of a college day.

The tour will end with a presentation by admissions counselors who will also answer any questions students may still have.

The bus ride home is usually very quiet after all the walking and learning!

In Advisory, we ask students to complete a Field Report after their trips. This helps them reflect on what they learned and serves as a record of the experience so they will remember. They’ll also share information with their peers in Advisory and with parents during Presentations of Learning.

As always, please let me know if you have questions!

—Tad Phippen Wente, College Readiness Coordinator


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