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November 20, 2014
by: Susan Griffiths

Presentations of Learning : Fall 2014

ESAA will hold their first trimester Presentations of Learning on December 1st and 2nd. Presentations of Learning serve as an opportunity for students to discuss their growth in understanding and set goals. PoLs go beyond a traditional parent-teacher conference by empowering the students to take ownership, reflect on, and lead the conversation about their learning with parents and the teacher. Students present their work by explaining the process of their learning, as well as identifying strengths and challenges. The teacher asks questions to guide the student to reflect deeper. Parents are also encouraged to ask questions. Through this reflection, students will create a learning goal for second trimester with the guidance of the teacher and parents.

Preparation for a student’s Presentation of Learning happens throughout each trimester.  Weekly, students reflect on their learning and growth. These reflections serve as the foundation for the PoL. Through teacher conferencing, students decide which artifacts best represent their learning and include these in their presentation. Students then reflect on what they have learned, what was successful, and the challenges they may have had. This reflection helps the student create goals and apply what they have learned in the future.

During your child’s Presentation of Learning, we encourage you to ask questions and start a dialogue with your child that will help them reflect deeper and continue the conversation about their learning and growth throughout the year. To ensure the Presentation of Learning is focused on your child’s learning, we are asking that siblings utilize our childcare in Room 100.

Please contact your child's teacher if you need the PoL time confirmed.

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