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May 8, 2013
by: Leah Morgan

Opportunities for Improvements on the Farm

In the days after spending a day at Higher Ground Farm, kindergarteners identified 12 things that were either problems during farm chores or chores that could be made easier/more efficient.

  • Feeding the chickens
  • Carrying water to the chickens
  • Bedding the chickens
  • Collecting eggs, chickens peck kids
  • Rakes and pitch forks are too big for kids
  • Brooms are too big for kids
  • Cleaning and drying the eggs
  • Difficulty opening and closing the gate
  • Holding the barn door open/opening the barn door with hands full
  • Carrying water to the horses and cows
  • Carrying the grain to the horses and cows without spilling any, spills = rats
  • Wheelbarrow is difficult to use when bedding the horses and cows 

Students then had the opportunity to choose which challenge they would like to fix. After decided what they would like to fix. Students shared their ideas with one another and the class. Ideas were evaluated on the following:

  • Does it solve an identified problem on the farm?
  • Is it helpful to the farmers or the kids while doing chores?
  • What do you already know that could help with the idea?
  • Can you purchase the things to build it? Is it too expensive to build?
  • Do you or someone you know have something at home to donate?
  • Can the finished idea fit through the doors or windows in the respective area it will help? Can it fit in a car or truck to get it to the farm?
  • Is it something a kindergartener could build with a little help and some supplies? 

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